When you check out with Shop Pay you have the option to pay in installments. Installments are a flexible payment option that allow you to split your purchase into four equal, interest-free payments. You can select this option at checkout on any order from $50-$1,000.


At checkout, select Shop Pay as your payment method. Enter your email address to log in or sign up – it’s that easy! The first installment is paid at checkout and the remaining 3 are made every 2 weeks. (Don’t worry, your order will ship once you make your first payment at checkout).


No. There are no additional fees associated with Shop Pay as long as the payment installments are made on time.


Shop Pay is only available for customers with a U.S. address at this time.




Shoppers can use the following cards:

Visa/Visa Debit


American Express

Still have questions about Shop Pay? Please visit their FAQ page to learn more.